City Guide- Extended Edition

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More About Vampires

:bulletred:Are there other Clans or Covens of Vampires?

There are many other Clans of Vampires throughout the world. Clans are considerably smaller than a Covenant, and usually belong to a single family. A Coven is rarer, but not unheard of in other parts of the world. Different Covenants can be found in some major cities, and are recognized by the large number of Vampires who live in it. A Covenant is beyond family, and ruled by a Head Vampire. Vampire’s chose to join a Covenant because it provides strength in numbers, protection, and companionship.  A Covenant is ranked above Clans on the hierarchy for Vampire Society.

:bulletred:Does age make a Vampire stronger or add any other differences? How would a newly Turned Vampire compare to a 100 year old one?

A newborn Vampire is considerable weaker than an older one, as their human body has yet to properly adapt to the Vampire Strain. This means with time a Vampire will become stronger and faster than a fresh born one, however this increase in speed and strength will cap after 100 years.

Vampires older than 250 years will see a physical change, as their fangs will have grown longer and sharper than younger vampires, and they have a stronger control of their thirst for blood, and can go longer without blood before they become weaker.

It is rumored that a Vampire will eventually develop pure blood red eyes and skin as white as paper, leaving them weaker to sunlight and fire. However no Vampires of this kind have been documented or seen in hundreds of years, and it is unknown how old one must be for this change to occur.

:bulletred: When vampires are turned, do they need to feed immediately after?

Yes. After a Vampire has been turned they will need to drink fresh blood immediately, because they will feel ravenous. The blood of their Sire will only provide the Vampire Strain needed to preserve and infect the body through it’s death. They will be weak and need blood to properly nourish their body after the change.

:bulletred: What is a vampires relationship with their Sire?

Vampires feel bound to their Sire in a way, after all it was through their Sire's blood that they were given life, and it was their Sire's strain of vampirism that preserves them. That is not to say that Vampires are incapable of denying their Sire's wishes or even fighting against them, however it is very difficult and they do feel compelled to listen or obey them.

A vampire killing their Sire is considered a grave sin in Vampire society, akin to Patricide or Matricide.

:bulletred:How often do vampires have to feed?

Vampires require fresh blood on a regular basis, since it provides their body nourishment they no longer receive from other sources. How active a Vampire is can curb their appetite. One who is often running around or using their gifts will need to feed daily, while a calmer or more reserved Vampire may only need to feed every few days. How much a Vampire drinks at a time can also dictate how often they need to seek nourishment. If they gorge themselves on blood they may only need to drink once every few days; whereas if they only drink small amounts of blood at a time they will need to drink more often.

:bulletred:What happens when a vampire does not get blood for a prolonged period of time?

The longer a Vampire goes without feeding the weaker they become. Without fresh blood in their system a vampire can not heal themselves or find the strength to fight. Their body will not be able to nourish itself or preserve itself with the vampire strain. If they don’t drink for a long time their ‘blood lust’ will become more and more demanding. While the vampire strain will not let the host ‘die’ by normal means, they will wither and grow emaciated if they do not drink for many years, and become nothing more than a corpse with a consciousness.

A vampire will eventually become too weak to feed themselves or hunt, and will go into a stasis of preserved death. They will stay this way until either their body is completely destroyed or they are revived. If someone willingly offers their blood and manually feeds it into the vampire’s withered body, the vampire will return from their stasis and be able to make a full recovery.

:bulletred:What is a ‘Blood Lust’

A blood lust is an altered state of mind for a Vampire. With a Blood Lust a Vampire will feel a much stronger need to feed or drink, and for weak willed vampires it could drive them into a frenzy or a crazed and violent state.

A Blood Lust can be triggered through a series of different circumstances:

Intense Hunger- If a Vampire has not drank blood in over a week they will start to feel the ravenous thirst triggered by a Blood Lust, that will compel them to drink.

After being Severely Wounded- If a Vampire has sustained multiple heavy injuries and has lost most of their blood than their body can go into a Blood Lust out of the necessity to drink fresh blood so they can heal.

Surrounded by large amounts of blood- Like a Shark Feeding Frenzy, if a Vampire is exposed to copious amounts of blood they may feel the hunger of a Blood Lust in the back of their mind, however this is the weakest form and can be resisted more easily.

:bulletred:What can a Vampire drink blood from?

Vampires are able to drink blood from anything, even animals. However the blood that will provide the most nutrition is human, but for a starving Vampire lost in the wilderness a rabbit or deer can provide a necessary stable until they can find their way out. This means vampires are able to drink from Werewolves and receive a full nutritious meal; because Lycanthrope is a curse, and the Werewolve’s body remains more or less human.

Keep in mind different Vampires can still have their own personal taste or preferences.

:bulletred:Are Vampires able to eat normal food?

A vampire may choose to eat or drink ‘normal’ human food, however their body has no use for it anymore. It will not provide any nutritional value to their body, and it will not be able to satisfy their thirst or hunger for Blood if they have not drank any recently. Usually this is performed by younger Vampires who still have the habit or taste for normal food from their human lives. It can also be done socially when in the presence of Humans to help with blending in with society.

:bulletred:Is a Vampire’s body truly a corpse?

While the host body is considered ‘dead’ and the Vampire no longer needs things like oxygen or a heart beat to survive, the Vampire Strain preserves their body. This prevents their organs from decaying or atrophying, as the fresh blood the Vampire drinks keeps their body constantly healed and in a perfect predatory condition. This means their body can still function as normal, and they have preserved most of their body’s functions.

:bulletred:What kind of scent does a Vampire give off?

A vampire will only give off a scent if they have freshly eaten, and they will smell of blood. The only other scent a Vampire will carry is from outside sources; such a perfume or smoke.

:bulletred:What style of Fangs do the Vampire’s have?

A Vampire’s fangs are located at their Incisor and Canines. Their fangs are shorter when they are not feeding, but before drinking their fangs will ‘un-sheath’ and grow longer in order to puncture the skin.

:bulletred:Is a Vampire capable of crying?

Vampires are capable of crying, but their tears will be like blood.

:bulletred:Do Vampire’s have a reflection and cast shadows?


:bulletred:Is a Vampire able to mark and claim someone as theirs, that all Vampires must abide too?

They may chose to ‘claim’ a human as their own possession, and  other Vampires are compelled to listen and are warded away from biting or drinking from the marked human. This claim will last until the vampire who has placed it has been killed. This claim is created by Kissing a human one one of their pulse points with the intent to claim them.

However, if a vampire is significantly( 100+ years) older than the one who staked the claim they can override it and resist it.

:bulletred:Will Vampire Blood affect humans or Werewolves who drink it?

Vampire blood has regenerative effects on humans who drink it, as the Vampire Strain is capable of preserving and regenerating the human body after death. Drinking Vampire blood can significantly speed up the healing process of a human. It will also have a euphoric effect on the human who drinks it. Boosts regeneration to 75% of it's original speed.

However, if a human who has drank Vampire blood dies within 48 hours of drinking it, it will result in them being turned.

:bulletred:Do werewolf bites effect vampires?

A werewolf bite will not effect a vampire, even on the Full Moon. The curse of Lycanthrope can not be afflicted on a Vampire because their human body has already ‘died’.

:bulletred:Is there any plants, poisons, or drugs that can affect Vampires?

Vampires are not effected by alcohol or drugs like cocaine and morphine. Because their body is ‘dead’ and constantly preserved they can’t become intoxicated or high.

However, Sage, Hawthorn, and Verbane will dramatically weaken a vampire if ingested.

:bulletred:Are Vampires affected by Holy Water and Crosses?

Yes. Crosses ward Vampires away and they cannot touch them, nor can they enter a church. Holy Water burns a Vampire’s skin on contact.

:bulletred:How badly does Sunlight hurt Vampires?

A vampire’s eyes are especially sensitive to sunlight because of their nocturnal nature and ability to see in the dark. Their skin is also extremely sensitive to sunlight, and will begin to redden and blister under direct sunlight. Vampires will not burst into flames if they are put in sunlight, but they will develop second and third degree burns from prolonged exposure to the sun.

:bulletred:What can a Vampire heal from and how quickly?

A vampire can heal from anything as long as their body is not completely destroyed. Their regenerative abilities are directly linked to how much fresh blood is in their system, so a Vampire who keeps themselves well fed will be able to heal almost instantaneously from most injuries. With fresh blood a vampire can completely heal from a near death state within a few days. Broken bones will heal within a day. Surface injuries will heal within minutes to seconds.

If a Vampire is starved of blood or has been severely injured and lost 60% of their blood their healing will become stunted, and they will need to feed to recover properly.

Destroying a Vampire's heart temporarily paralyzes them,  but depending on how recently they have fed they can quickly recover from this.

A vampire who has had limbs amputated or their head decapitated cannot heal their lost limbs unless their body is put back together. Decapitation prevents a vampire from being able to move and control their body, which leaves them extremely vulnerable. However, if their head is put back on and sewn into place they will be able to heal again.

:bulletred:How to kill a Vampire:

The most efficient way to Kill a Vampire is to decapitate them before burning the body. A vampire is only killed when their body is completely destroyed, and fire is the quickest way to do this. If a Vampire is not decapitated prior to trying to burn them they can still run away, as the burning process is relative to how hot and intense the flames are. Their body will burn no faster than a corpse would burn at a funeral pyre.

More about Werewolves

Are there other Packs of Werewolves in the world and how would they interact?

There are many Werewolf packs in the world, but packs cannot be located in the same city. Werewolves are more territorial than Vampires, and if a new pack tries to move into the same area as an already existing pack it will result in a fight between the packs. The Pack that wins will claim the territory, and any surviving members of the other Pack will either have to leave the city or submit to the dominate pack and join it.

How do humans prevent being turned after being bitten by a werewolf?

Once bitten by a Werewolf the human must clean the wound in wolfsbane before the next Full Moon, this gives the victim of the attack a whole month to try and treat their curse. After the following Full Moon since their attack the curse becomes permanent. Amputation of a wounded limb will not cure the curse, but will make it more difficult to be treated, since you will no longer be able to treat the bite wound. Instead, a victim will have to drink a tonic made from Wolfsbane before the Full Moon, but this is more dangerous because Wolfsbane is toxic when ingested.

What are the odds of Lycanthrope being inherited by the child of a Werewolf?

If a child is born from a parent who has been cursed by Lycanthrope there is a small chance that they will inherit it. Lycanthrope can be considered recessive, and there is only a 25% chance of inheriting it from the parent. If both parents have been cursed the chance increases to 50%.

Are children who inherit the curse born in their human form or in a werewolf form? When will they start turning into a Werewolf?

They are always born as humans, even if they are born on a Full Moon. Born werewolves are not given the option to cure themselves of Lycanthrope, because the curse was inherited. However, it may not fully manifest itself for many years. Common ages for the Curse to manifest is between 8 and 16 years old.

Do werewolves have litters?

No. They have a normal amount of children that a human does. Ranging from 1 to 3 kids at a time.

Is there a difference between a freshly cursed Werewolf and an Older one?

The biggest change between a young Werewolf and an Older werewolf is the ability to control when they change. With time and experience a werewolf can learn to change by will, and are able to control their hunting instincts more easily. However, older werewolves will have more dominant personality changes with their aggression and territorial nature, as they have been exposed to it for longer.

Young Werewolves or Werewolves undergoing their first Full Moon lose themselves completely to their instincts, and have a harder time resisting and denying any animalistic urges.

What happens when a werewolf loses their human control during the full moon?

Werewolves who have lost their humanity are wild, and completely driven by their instincts. A werewolf who has given in their instinct to hunt will be drawn to stalk and prey on humans, which will spread the curse to create new werewolves. Other instincts to play, mark territory, and even mate can take over, but there is a slimmer chance of this.

How is the Alpha identified by pack members?

An Alpha is identifiable by the mental impression they make on other pack members. A pack mentality is established through Werewolves who have come together, and this allows them to know who is designated as the Alpha of the pack. The Alpha is able to give off a more intimidating demeanor to other pack members.

What is the hierarchy of a Werewolf Pack?

The Alpha is the leader of the pack, and is claimed by a single individual who can be either Male or Female. Because werewolf packs rely less on the breeding impulse of regular wolf packs, it is not common to find an Alpha male and Female in the same pack.

Below the Alpha is the Beta werewolves, who have earned a higher reputation in the pack and are known and recognized for their strenght.

There can be an Omega of the pack, who is the lowest of the hierarchy and is the pack’s scapegoat or least respected member.

This leaves the rest of the pack to share their position below the Alpha and Beta, while above the Omega.

How is the Alpha of a pack decided?

The Alpha is decided through combat. An Alpha can be challenged by other members of the pack, and if they lose the challenger will claim dominance of the pack. Usually this will result in the death of the previous Alpha, but should they survive they will have to leave. Pack members who challenge the Alpha for dominance but lose are thrown out of the pack or killed, unless they give up and submit.

If an Alpha is killed by an outside source or conflict the Beta werewolf can claim leadership.

Is there a mental sync between pack members when in Lycan form or otherwise?

Pack members will feel a connection to one another, as the pack mentality and instinct drives them to work together. Werewolves will be more intune to the pain of their fellow pack members, and if they hear the cry or howl of a pack member in distress they will feel driven to help them. This is particularly more potent on the Full Moon or when in Lycan form.

Do Lone wolves Exist?

Yes. Werewolves do not have to be part of a pact and can chose to live or travel by themselves. While their nature encourages them to seek companionship it can be ignored. Werewolves can also be rejected and kicked out of a pack and forced to live alone. If a werewolf is driven out of a pack they will not be allowed in the pack’s territory anymore without the pack trying to hunt them or attack them for entering it.

Is a werewolf’s wolf form comparable to their human form?

Yes. Their fur color is determined by their hair color and their eye color stays the same. The werewolves form and size is also related to the size of their human form, and they typically will grow one foot to two feet taller than they are as humans.

How much control over their change does a Werewolf have?

With proper experience a werewolf can learn to control their change at will. They can even learn to control and change separate parts of their body. The hands are the easiest area to learn to change separately because they are a highly dexterous area already. The feet are the second easiest, and area's of the face are the third easiest. Area's that are extremely difficult to 'pin-point' or change without changing completely are area's of low dexterity and less control. The more muscle control the individual has the easier they can influence their body to change the way they want it too.

This only applies for days that are not the Full Moon. Werewolves no matter their experience will take on a full body change during the Full Moon.

Can a werewolf identify whether or not an individual is a werewolf or vampire through smell?

Werewolves will be able to smell whether or not an individual is a lycan if they train their senses to pick this up. However, certain overwhelming smells can effect how well a Lycan is able to identify an individual, such as strong perfumes. Werewolves can identify a Vampire if they recognize that they have no personal smell, though this is more difficult unless they are alone with the Vampire to notice this.

Can werewolves smell differences in gender due to pheromones?
When in their full cursed form werewolves will be able to pick up and identify pheromones.

Do werewolves have a preference to which form they perform certain activities?

This is relative to each individual, however a werewolves senses are heightened when in their cursed form. This form will intensify their sense of smell, taste, sight, and hearing. Some werewolves may prefer this form when eating or engaging in other fun activities, because it allows them to enjoy them on a different scale than they would as a human.

Can werewolf interaction with humans be dangerous to the human’s health?

As werewolves instincts can easily cloud their judgement and make them less likely to watch and guard their strength, yes. Werewolves also have sharp claws and are extremely strong, which can easily injure humans if they were to handle them or play with them too roughly.

Will Werewolf blood curse humans or vampires who drink it?

No. A werewolf’s curse is not transmitted through blood, so humans who drink werewolf blood will suffer no negative effects aside from that which normally comes from drinking blood. Vampires will not feel stronger or inherit any animal instincts from a werewolf when drinking their blood.

Can a vampire turn a werewolf?

A werewolf can be bitten by a vampire, but if a vampire tried to sire a werewolf the curse of lycanthrope would disappear. Lycanthrope is bound to the human’s soul, and thus when the human dies they are released from the curse in death. If a werewolf was drained by a vampire then fed the vampire’s blood, there is a slim chance that they would be reborn as a vampire, however they would no longer be cursed with Lycanthrope, and no longer be able to turn into a werewolf.

What will different phases of the moon do to a Werewolf?

Werewolves are only effected by two phases of the moon.

The Full moon, which forces them to change into their lupine form. Werewolves are stronger on the full moon ( werewolves receive a +2 boost to dice rolls on the Full moon ).

On the New moon werewolves are at their weakest. Their quickened healing is suppressed and it is extremely difficult for them to force a change or take on their wolf-like qualities during a new moon ( werewolves receive a -2 penalty to dice rolls on the New moon ).

Is there any plants, poisons, or drugs that can affect Werewolves?

Werewolves can be effected by alcohol and drugs, as their body is still human in sense. However, the effects are dulled compared to how they would work on a human, as the werewolves body is healing itself faster than a human’s. Drugs and alcohol will wear off faster on a werewolf.

Werewolves can be badly poisoned by the ingestion of Wolfsbane, Yew, and Hemlock, and can result in death.

They are also susceptible to most poisons and toxins produced by plants and animals, however these rarely result in fatality to the werewolf due to their heightened healing.

How badly will silver hurt a werewolf?

Direct contact with silver will burn a werewolf’s skin, and it is extremely painful to touch. However the biggest danger for werewolves from silver is due to the silver allergy that prevents them from being able to heal quickly from silver inflicted wounds. This means they can bleed out quickly from an injury caused by a silver weapon, and will heal much slower from gunshots made with silver bullets or stab wounds caused by silver tipped knives and stakes.

What can a werewolf heal from and how quickly?

A werewolf can heal from most injuries so long as they are not immediately fatal. Broken bones, loss of blood, burns, and toxins are a list of things werewolves can heal from easily. Werewolves recover slower than vampires but faster than humans, and will regenerate from most cuts and scrapes in a day, while broken bones and burns can take a week. Injuries inflicted with silver will heal at a slower rate and can take up to two weeks to heal. Werewolves rarely scar due to how quickly they heal from injuries.

How to kill a Werewolf

It is easier to kill a werewolf than a vampire, due to their body still being alive and human. Werewolves can be killed by any injury that would be immediately fatal. Cutting off their head, stabbing their heart, or crushing their brain are a few examples of immediately fatal injuries. They can also be killed by injecting them with liquid silver nitrate, or feeding them high doses of wolfsbane, yew, or hemlock. A werewolf can bleed to death if they have sustained too many heavy injuries or been wounded by silver weapons without receiving treatment.

Comparing the two

:bulletblack: Werewolves are physically stronger than Vampires- especially during a Full Moon. Although a vampire could easily overpower a human they would find themselves struggling to wrestle a werewolf.

:bulletblack: Vampires are faster than werewolves. If the two were to race, a Vampire would easily be able to best a werewolf. A werewolf on the full moon is fast, and can sprint long distances, but a Vampire would still be able to stay a step ahead of them in a foot race.

:bulletblack: Werewolves senses are heightened more than a Vampires. Both races have higher sense of smell and hearing compared to humans, but a werewolf is the better tracker of the two, and can pick up more complex smells and sounds than a Vampire.

:bulletblack: Vampire’s regeneration abilities outclass Werewolves. Vampires heal faster and can survive battle more efficiently than a Werewolf. Vampires can only be killed when their body is completely destroyed, although they need fresh blood to be able to trigger their healing.

General Questions

:bulletwhite:Can Vampires and Werewolves scare animals by presence alone?

If a Vampire or Werewolf wanted too it would be easy to scare animals, especially herbivores who are used to being prey to predators. This comes from the intimidation that they would be able to impose because Vampires and Werewolves are Apex Predators. Other predatory animals may feel threatened but not immediately scared away.

Under most circumstances Vampires and Werewolves will be able to hunt or hide their nature from animals, as predators do when they stalk prey in the wild.

:bulletwhite:Would regular people be aware of the Vampires and Werewolves plaguing the city?

No. Most citizens are not aware of the Vampires and Werewolves of the world. While there could be some organizations dedicated to the research and verification of their existence it is not considered common knowledge, but rather thought of as simply rumors and folklore.

:bulletwhite:Are animal companions allowed?

With permission animal companions can be accepted, however they will need to be handled reasonably.

:bulletwhite:Can we add NPC’s to the rp?

NPC’s should be handled with discretion. A chef or baker that your character interacts with once or twice is fine, but roleplaying an ‘npc’ continuously and frequently is a step away from this. These should be discussed with the moderators first before using them repeatedly. However, don’t use NPC’s as fodder just to make your character look better. Don’t post about a character who has the same job as yours simply so you can elaborate how they don’t do it as good as your character does.

NPC’s are not protected by the rules as they are not applied for characters, and therefor can be attacked and killed for plot purposes.

:bulletwhite:Are other mythological races besides Vampires and Werewolves allowed?

The main 3 races of the group are Humans, Vampires, and Werewolves. Thus, your character is more likely to be approved if they are part of those three.

Once you already have established a character that is of the main races you can try and apply with a character of a different mythological race than what is already established. However, any application that steps outside of these races will be heavily scrutinized compared to the others. It has to fit and make sense with the world.

For more information on this, see the Custom Race Guide

Unanswered Question? Comment Below!

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Liliota's avatar
Hello again! I have an idea for a character that doesn't know he's a werewolf yet, but I don't know if that would make sense in this group's lore. Would a werewolf remember their full moon transformations?